Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just a short one...

Sorry everybody as you may have heard the snow storm here has been crazy! So I have to make this short cause theres alot I need to do ;) Ba-Dum! Any way I think the base must have read my blog because when I went to work today guess what was plowed? Yea thats right everything. Not good but I will take it. Have the last day of my TAPS class tomorw I cant wait, its the best class I have ever taken! And we might get out alittle early so thats always a plus! Any way thats it for today but I will be back tomorow!!!!!! HAPPY SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

---DONT EAT THEY YELLOW SNOW----- Yea I said it to the dog today!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I promise

Okay guys. Well I started my transition class this week. Its been a crazy week for me. But I totally promise that a new blog is going to happen tomorrow. I will say a couple things before I leave here tho. 1. My class almost didnt happen. MSgt Krabby was trying to argue with me saying I wasnt going to get out anytime soon. Mind you this is Monday. This was his reason that I didnt need to go to this transition class. He kept arguing with me and saying he knew how the process was and I was going to be here for awhile. I finally had enough and told him point blank, this is when he wouldnt listen about what I was told about the direction my paperwork was heading, I was going to this class this week because I needed it and that if he wouldnt take the time to listen than neither was I. Well that got his attention and as he was walking away told me, "FINE! Just go!" Thankfully I didnt have to fight to much. Tho I came into my office for lunch today and found out that its in totally chaos. Like a bird that burst into flames and was crashing head first into Earth. So my co-worker heading out, Cavinaugh, who ran the training section with an obsessive compulsive attitude was duing the work. Even tho he only has 4 days of work left before he goes on leave forever. My parter in Crime Art who is still there with me, his pipes burst on his house and he has to work 12's because that all of his training stuff that he deals with is totally messed up. Every things overdue and not answered for and a million people have training due. My attitude is I let him run with his stuff, I really thought that he had it. I thought wrong. But you know what he will get it done. As long as Cavanugh can get off his ass. They are like a old gay married couple. Its pretty funny to watch there bickering, except today when he was pissing him off like no ones business. But I dont get in the middle because thats what they need to work out. And of course leadership doesnt want to hear it. They would rather just fire and re-hire someone for that position. I told Cavanuagh that they need to get the other staff in my spot so we can get him trained up. I said this for weeks but no one wanted to listen, until today when everything came to a boil. Okay enough of the bad. So I did something funny yesterday. I wanted to find out if my package had made it to legal yet. So can you guess what I did? Yea I called them up and asked. Well apparently thats a big NO-NO! The Sergeant on the other line was not happy that I did that. She kept saying "I cant tell you, you have to talk to your shirt!" So I asked the one logical question, if its about me why cant I know. Well that just made her hotter. I know why to, I called at 1130, yea you guessed it lunch time :) But I get like that sometimes. Its one of my tactics to get what I want. But alas, this time it just didnt work. But thats okay I plan on dealing with the shirt over the phone tomorrow and seeing where it is. I refuse to be one of the people that they are going to hold in limbo forever. Im watching tv and I just saw this chick with the gnarliest teeth. Im talking like punched in the face atleast twice teeth. I encourage yall to watch tru tv, there is so much funny crap and stupidity. Well I ended up writing a blog lol. But I definitely promise tomorrow I will give you more into the inside of Dover AFB. Its just been busy so just bare with me alittle :) Im here for you. Im also writing some great material for my standup during this class. Theres some very interesting characters in there that are just to funny. I will fill yall in soon.

--My name is K, Hoorah K9 working dog Hoooah! I just want to get out and work with K9 thats all I care for. Ill go back to Iraq and Afghanistan if I can work with dogs again, I love it there Hooah, and not just any dog but bomb sniffing dogs and drug dugs. Thats all I want to do-----TAPS Class